Inga Kulberg Tesler Foundation

The Inga Kulberg Tesler Foundation was established in Inga’s memory to solve big societal challenges in the same way Inga tackled thorny issues during her lifetime.

Guided by Inga’s spirit, the Foundation will make a significant difference in the lives of people who need our help. There is plenty more to read about the Foundation’s intended mission and goals, but if you knew Inga, she would tell you to stop messing around and just hit the DONATE button already.

Help us to honor Inga’s memory and support the Inga Kulberg Tesler Foundation.

Inga Kulberg Tesler

Mankind is Our Business

In life, Inga believed in giving back. Like all of us, she could become distracted with the daily grind of work and family life and wished she had more time to devote to charitable purposes. The Inga Kulberg Tesler Foundation has been established to make sure that, without distraction, Mankind Is Our Business. To that end, the Foundation intends to focus on its dual ambitions of (1) eliminating family poverty and (2) improving the lives of families with members suffering from neuroendocrine carcinoma.

Family Poverty

One Family at a Time

Inga knew that eliminating family poverty and curing cancer are virtually unachievable goals. But Inga never turned away from a difficult problem just because others had failed to find a solution. With the old adage in mind that “she who saves one life saves the world,” Inga’s Foundation intends to pragmatically approach these massive societal issues by tackling them “one family at a time.”

Inga Kulberg Tesler

Who Was Inga?

Inga was a force of nature. If you were lucky enough to meet her, there can be no doubt that she left a lasting impression on you. Her smile was infectious, her intellect razor-sharp, her beauty unmatched, and her passion for family, friends and co-workers deeply intense.