
Inga’s Foundation was established in the memory of Inga Kulberg Tesler to solve big societal challenges in the same way Inga tackled thorny issues during her lifetime.

Inga’s Foundation was established in the memory of Inga Kulberg Tesler to solve big societal challenges in the same way Inga tackled thorny issues during her lifetime. If you knew Inga, she didn’t mince words in her single-minded zeal to solve any problem – no matter how big or small. Nothing and no one would stand in her way. She tackled every obstacle without fear of offending and with an unerring and unstoppable laser focus on ferreting out the root cause of the problem.

With the spirit of Inga to guide us, Inga’s Foundation will make a significant difference in the lives of people who need our help.

Inga Kulberg Tesler

Mission & Vision of the Foundation

About the Amazing Inga

Support the Inga Kulberg Tesler Foundation

If you want to honor Inga's memory and support the Inga Kulberg Tesler Foundation